Myth Busting: OWCP Federal Workers’ Compensation

by | Dec 11, 2015

Last Updated April 1, 2024
A federal employee looking at a computer learning about owcp federal workers' compensation

This Wednesday, December 16th, Harris Federal Law Firm will host its fifth training webinar, entitled “Myth Busting – Federal Workers’ Compensation“. This free training session is open to the public, and will correct common misconceptions associated with OWCP federal workers’ compensation.

About OWCP Federal Workers’ Compensation & Common Myths

The Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) administers workers compensation payments and benefits for federal workers who have been injured due to work-related matters. The program can be a life-changing asset for many injured or disabled federal workers; however, most know little about the benefit other than common myths.

In this upcoming webinar, Harris Federal Law Firm’s Senior Attorney, Brad Harris, and Director of Operations, Bo Harris, will debunk several of these common myths, and help you understand the facts. While face-to-face training can often be cost-prohibitive, this webinar is offered as a complementary alternative, so you can learn more about OWCP federal workers’ compensation without leaving the comfort of your own home. The webinar will also be interactive, and allow you to ask questions along the way.

Some examples of the myths we will discuss include:

  1. “Workers compensation will negatively impact my retirement”
  2. “It’s better for me to just use my health insurance”
  3. “I don’t qualify because my medical condition existed before I began working for the government”
  4. “I cannot qualify for both OWCP benefits and OPM federal disability retirement at the same time ”
  5. “I cannot afford to live on less than what I am currently earning”

These myths are all FALSE!!!!!!!!!

At Harris Federal, we understand the burden you may feel navigating Federal Disability Retirement. When your financial future is at stake, it’s helpful to have a team of experienced professionals carry the burden for you and guide you through the entire process. We’ve helped more than 8,000 happy clients walk through Federal Disability Retirement at a 99% success rate. If you’re an injured or ill USPS employee, contact us today for a free consultation to see if you qualify for this benefit. We’re ready to help you start your path toward a more secure financial future.

Message us & find out if you qualify today!

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