FERS Disability Retirement Success Story: Mr. Wayne B.

by | Jan 3, 2016

Last Updated April 11, 2024
federal disability retirement success

Mr. Wayne B. is a former U.S. postal worker from Virginia. After having a hip replacement, Mr. Wayne B. still struggled to complete his daily work activities. After two years of suffering, Mr. Wayne B. hired Harris Federal Law Firm to help him apply for FERS disability retirement. Below is his federal disability retirement success story.

Retirement Success Story

“I’m a former United States postal employee. I’ve had a hip replacement and was diagnosed with a well known disease which made my daily job very difficult. I contacted Harris Federal Law Firm two years ago to ask about federal disability retirement. I discussed my concerns with a representative, who told me I had a strong case for federal disability retirement. I was skeptical about applying. What if I lost? Would there be repercussions with my agency? I was afraid of the unknown, and told the representative that I wasn’t interested at that time. Meanwhile, my job became more and more difficult as I had to lift and carry up to 90 lbs packages, and pull and push 1800 lbs cargo. The day eventually came to where I couldn’t handle the pain any longer, and decided to call Harris Federal about officially applying for FERS disability. I was assigned a Case Manager (Candace Montgomery), who turned out to be the best person to happen to me in filing for my disability. Once my paperwork was completed, the law firm handled everything for me. I was told that it would take approximately 6 to 12 month to hear back from OPM. My disability packet was sent on October 13th, 2015, and less than a month later, I received a call saying I was approved for FERS disability retirement. I called Ms. Montgomery to inform her of the news, and she was as excited as I was. I can’t begin to thank her enough for her help. This is my true story and experience with the Harris Federal Law Firm. I would recommend their services to any federal employee that’s going through what I’ve been through.”

— Wayne B., Virginia  (Approved for FERS Disability Retirement in November 2015)


Applying for Federal Disability Retirement is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of the OPM’s requirements. Many federal employees find navigating this process to be challenging and stressful.

At Harris Federal, we’ve helped countless postal workers successfully navigate the Federal Disability Retirement process, ensuring all necessary documentation is accurately presented while effectively arguing their case. Our goal is to secure the benefits you rightfully deserve. We’ve helped more than 8,000 happy clients at a 99% success rate.

Allow us to help you navigate this process. Reach out to our legal team today for a free consultation for a personalized retirement plan, to answer any questions, and see if you qualify for Federal Disability Retiremen

Message us & find out if you qualify today!

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