Does the EEOC Really Help Federal Employees?

by | Nov 23, 2016

Last Updated April 29, 2024

EEOCDespite it being a bit cumbersome, the answer is YES!   In its federal sector program, the EEOC resolved 6,792 hearings complaints and secured more than $76.9 million in relief for federal employees.

The agency also resolved 3,751 appeals of agency decisions on federal sector complaints, including 47.3 percent of them within 180 days of receipt, and secured more than $5.1 million in relief.
In fiscal year 2016, EEOC continued to focus its efforts on those activities likely to have strategic impact in advancing equal opportunity in the workplace through implementation of its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2012-2016, which the Office of Management and Budget authorized the Commission to extend through fiscal year 2018, and the related SEP.

Would you like to have more specific information?  EEOC’s fiscal year 2016 Performance and Accountability Report is posted on the agency’s web site at

Brad’s tip: We at Harris Federal Law Firm are proud to assist federal employees with their employment related problems.  Just give us a call for a free consultation.

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