Federal Disability Retirement: A Dissertation Part 1

by | Oct 11, 2011

Last Updated August 16, 2023
federal disability retirement federal building

Federal disability retirement, which is administered by the Office of Personnel Management, is available to every career federal employee in the United States government. Unfortunately, there are tens of thousands of federal employees who have no idea when it is the appropriate time to look into this benefit as an option. Overall, if you are struggling in your job due to a disability, now may be the best time for you to seek assistance applying for Federal Disability Retirement.

The purpose of this next series is to go over a variety of scenarios that involve different federal employees’ situations. Of course some of the information used is from real individuals though their information will be changed to protect her identity. Many of them were actual federal disability clients that our office successfully represented. Some of the examples may be a mix of numerous federal employees to show an example.

Every federal employee situation is different and should be treated as such. Even seemingly small differences can change the way an employee should think about the retirement system. It is easy for federal employees to compare themselves to other coworkers. However, every federal worker should consult a professional for advice.

We have experience helping federal employees in all 50 states and almost all federal agencies. Every agency is different and requires different forms or manners of filling out an application for Federal Disability Retirement. We are here to help you through this process, so you don’t have to take on this burden alone. We have helped over 8,000 federal employees and have a 99% success rate.

This series will continue over the next few weeks. We intend for it to be one of the most comprehensive explanations of how federal disability benefits work. Stay tuned…


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