Federal Disability Retirement Success Story – Ms. G

by | Apr 27, 2016

Last Updated April 12, 2024
federal disability retirement success

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, back pain is the leading cause of disability in Americans under 45 years old. Each year, 13 million people go to the doctor for chronic back pain, and the condition leaves 2.4 million Americans chronically disabled.

It was back pain that ultimately caused Ms. G to leave her career with the U.S. Postal Service and seek Harris Federal’s assistance in applying for federal disability retirement benefits. After working as a letter carrier for 10 years, Ms. G went to the doctor about chronic back pain that had lasted for several months. X-rays and an MRI scan revealed that Ms. G had instability in her lumbar spine, degenerative disk disease and spinal stenosis.

After months of physical therapy and pain management, Ms. G’s condition continued to deteriorate. Her back pain was severe and radiated into her legs. She could no longer participate in any physical activity or complete the daily walking required for her career. Her doctor believed she would be disabled forever, and may need surgery in the future.

The Harris Federal team helped Ms. G navigate the onerous disability retirement application process. She was approved in October 2015.

Stories like Ms. G’s epitomize how federal disability retirement can be a life changing benefit. Continuing work as a letter carrier with chronic back pain is not an ideal existence. Federal disability retirement gave Ms. G the time and opportunity to take care of her health, and not have to worsen her condition for the sake of financial stability.
If you or someone you know can no longer do your job because of a medical condition, call Harris Federal at (877) 226-2723 or fill out an INQUIRY FORM for a free consultation. We are passionate about fighting for the rights of federal workers, and we strive to help in any way we can.

Message us & find out if you qualify today!

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