FERS Disability Retirement Success Story: Ms. G

by | Jan 25, 2016

Last Updated April 12, 2024
federal disability retirement success

Ms. G and the Road to Retirement

Another Federal Disability Retirement success story! During her time as a federal worker, Ms. G suffered from a traumatic event, which caused severe and debilitating depression. She came to Harris Federal for help, and we worked diligently to assist her with her case for FERS disability retirement. After many months of waiting, and helping her through such a troubling time, we finally received her approval letter.

“I want to take this time to extend my personal thanks to all of your for the excellent hard work and determination in helping me obtain my disability retirement. You kept sight on the finish line, and held me close in hand. A special thanks goes out to my [Case Manager] Meredith, for her continuous, constant and vigilant stance. She held my hand when I cried, doubted, walked the floor at night struggling with extensive medical tests and depression. She always kept the determination, faith and fight for us both. The firm always kept me informed of everything, and I totally appreciate that.The world is a better place with an excellent law firm like this to fight for the disabled federal employee.”

— G.D.B., Texas (Approved for FERS Disability Retirement in October 2015)

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