Harris Federal Video Blog: Episode 5.2

by | Jul 12, 2013

Last Updated April 28, 2022

Ms. Kate Richardson is back with Bo to help explain another common question about the Federal Disability Retirement Advantage in this three part video.

In this episode, the team talks about the pros and cons federal disability retirement versus a modified job duty assignment from your employing agency.

Many federal employees think that a modified job is “guaranteed” and will always be there for them. Unfortunately this is not true and has caused a lot of confusion and unforeseen difficult times for injured and disabled federal employees who are sent home.

Stay tuned for episode 3 of 3 of this series and don’t forget to Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, and send us your questions to mail@harrisfederal.com. We want to serve federal employees in any way that we can. That’s why we are constantly trying to add new, relevant content through our blog posts as well as our Video Blog. Give us a call to schedule your free case consultation. 877-226-2723.

Video Transcript

This is Bo Harris and you’re watching the Harris Federal Law Firm, video blog where we help federal employees understand their rights. We’re back for episode 2 of this 3 part series on the Federal Disability Retirement Advantage. We have Kate back with us again today.

So, in this episode, we want to talk about “why should I stay on my modified job duty assignment as opposed to taking Federal Disability Retirement”. And the answer here is actually very simple. Modified duty payments can pay higher as in usually your full salary. But remember, these assignments are not graded or classified. They can actually be taken away from you, by your employment agency, at any time if the budget simply doesn’t permit.

Yes, in fact, some people say “well my modified duty job is limited duty, and my employing agency has to give it to me, because I was injured at work”. But that is not always the case. Just ask any Postal Service employee who was involved with the National Reassessment Program. It can be a little scary. Remember that Federal Disability Retirement allows you to move on into the private sector and earn an income on top of your Federal Disability Retirement Benefits. It also allows you to keep your group health and life insurance benefits, and ultimately gives you more power over your life and your career.

And if you still have any questions about this topic, please feel free give our office a call at any time. We are here to help. So be sure to stay tuned for the third installment of this series on Federal Disability Retirement Advantage. Next time we are going to talk about “why I should take Federal Disability Retirement”. We look forward to seeing you next time.

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