Nicaragua Mission

by | Jan 26, 2013

Last Updated October 19, 2023

Our Director of Operations got back from another mission trip to Nicaragua in July and we are just now posting the update! Grant Ostrander made his third annual mission trip to the Central American country and once again spent most of his 10 day trip on the volcanic island of Ometepe in the middle of the enormous Lake Nicaragua.

While continuing to build relationships with the children at the CICRIN orphanage, Grant and his team built a house for more children to live in. The team also put on a concert in one of the towns on the island and provided a free meal to the entire town. Maybe most impressively, the team dug a cistern in the ground that was 8′ x 8′ square and 12′ deep to supply water to the new home!

Nicaragua is something that Grant has become more and more passionate about and has made his July mission trip an annual occurrence. He is always trying to recruit others to go with him and his team from church to spend a week and a half working hard in the humid and hot conditions. He has succeeded in getting Bo Harris to come with him before and looks to try to get more people to join in the work.

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