Thankful for a Happy New Year

by | Dec 31, 2012

Last Updated October 12, 2023
man in wheelchair celebrating new year

We have been feeling pretty thankful around here at Harris Federal Law Firm, lately – so we want to share with you.

Our office as a whole is thankful for the opportunity to have a positive impact on the lives of so many federal employees every year! It is truly a blessing to offer a shred of light in a dark time for someone. This is something we strive to offer every day we come to work.

Our team speaks to thousands of injured and disabled federal employees every year about their specific situations, struggles, successes, failures and experiences. We talk with them about their lives and we sympathize with them because we know how intimidating uncertainty can be when everything is on the line.

We believe in “meaningful work” and are very thankful everyday for it.

We are thankful for the overwhelmingly positive feedback from federal employees everywhere over the last 20 years. This helps keep us going and reminds us that everyone needs positive encouragement!

We are thankful for the relationships we have built throughout the federal community. All of the welcoming and open arms from unions and agencies give us excitement to reach out and meet new ones and create relationships that will last.

We are thankful for the physicians across the country that we are friends with, and who have a special interest in federal employees. As most of you know, it can be hard to find a good doctor who understands the federal system and wants to be involved. We truly enjoy knowing the good ones and helping introduce federal employees in need to them.

We are thankful for the trust of so many federal employees. We are aware of the fact that hiring an attorney in a different state is an unusual proposition to most! To us, getting involved with the case for our client, and thinking of him or her as a real person with needs that we can relieve is not just a job we do every day, it’s a rewarding experience for us, even though we don’t necessarily get to see him or her physically.

We are especially thankful for the opportunity to give back to others. This is a part of our business DNA. Harris Federal Law Firm, takes pride in supporting local and national charities financially and though volunteer work. Doing so reminds our team that giving is better than receiving and brings us together.

Most people naturally want to help others… this is just part of being human. When was the last time you truly helped someone and didn’t feel good about it? Helping others is an awesome thing and being able to do so though you’re work every day is a blessing.

Thank You from all of us at Harris Federal Law Firm.

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