Why Should I Seek Representation?

by | Oct 6, 2016

Last Updated April 19, 2024

representationDeciding whether or not to hire an attorney to provide representation and help with your disability retirement case is a big decision. If you are injured or become ill and can no longer perform the essential duties of your job at an efficient level, the likelihood of you thinking about hiring an attorney to represent you and your case is probably not that great. However, trying to navigate your way through the process of filing for Federal Disability Retirement can be a confusing and complex one. Below are a few points to think about if you find yourself having to file for disability retirement.

Help Determine Your Eligibility

Knowing if you qualify for Federal Disability Retirement isn’t always clear. OPM has specific criteria you must meet, but every case is different. It isn’t always cut and dry as to whether you are eligible. Seeking advice and representation from an experienced attorney is extremely beneficial in this stage. Here at Harris Federal Law Firm, our consultation is always free and we can help you determine if you are eligible for disability retirement benefits.

Medical Records

Proving your medical condition is affecting your performance at work may be the hardest part of the process. You need to prove you have a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year, and the condition is affecting your job performance, conduct, and attendance. Furthermore, that the condition is keeping you from being efficient at your essential job duties. We all know doctors work on their own timeline. They may not even be aware that there is a one-year deadline to submit all your evidence to OPM for review. On top of that, do you know which medical records you need to submit in order to have the best shot at an approval for your case? These are all very important things to think about.

Preparing Your Application

Understanding what legal forms are asking is often confusing. You don’t want to guess what the form is asking and then hope for the best. There are deadlines you must meet when filing for disability benefits, so you want to make sure you have a complete understanding of the forms and process. An attorney can help you understand what each question is asking and help you submit your application.

Representation for Appeals

It’s a fact that cases get denied. More often than not, this is because there is a lack of medical evidence. Hiring an attorney at the initial stage of the process is beneficial for this reason. You get representation at that stage, but should your case be denied, you have representation for the Reconsideration process as well. At this stage, deadlines are more strict and going at it alone can be daunting. You only have 30 days from the initial denial to re-submit your application with the supplemental evidence. Imagine trying to do that while search for an attorney to help you!

While hiring an attorney is a choice, it is extremely beneficial to do so. Harris Federal Law Firm has been in this business for over a decade. We have helped many federal workers with their Federal Disability Retirement cases. We know the system and can help navigate you through it. For a FREE consultation, fill out this inquiry form. You can also call us at 877-226-2723.

Message us & find out if you qualify today!

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