Client Testimonial

I am writing to you today because I feel that I need to let you know how much I have appreciated your help in obtaining disability retirement from the USPS. It has been and still is a struggle to get things finalized. I knew that things were not going to be easy from the day of my injury. The laws and policies of the federal government are more than my husband and I could ever understand. The day we read your ad in a postal newsletter gave us some hope. But at the same time how in the world were going to pay for a lawyer. After speaking with Brad about our predicament, we knew that this was going to be our only way to legally get an understanding and a solution to our problems.

Thank you so much for working with us in all aspects of this case. From financial obligations, the constant contacting of doctors and dealing with case workers, I know that a lot of work and time has been used for my situation. I feel that you two have gone beyond what was really expected of normal cases. I wish that more injured workers knew of the help that you have to offer. Again, thank you so much.

B. J. – Horseshoe Bay, Texas