Client Testimonial

I was an injured Federal employee, living in Louisiana, who became permanently disabled after countless delays with OWCP. After 5 years, my agency, the F.A.A., terminated my employment. I didn’t know what to do, so contacted several Federal attorneys. The Harris Federal Law Firm reviewed my paperwork and informed me that my case was open and closed and would probably not require legal assistance. I thanked them, and filed my paper work. After 3 months of waiting, I was informed that my disability was not approved by OPM. I contacted the Harris Federal Law Firm, explained what had happened, and they were stunned. I asked them for help, which they immediately agreed to, and received my retirement within 90 days of their intervention. I have never meet Bo or Brad Harris. All our conversations were by telephone and faxes. I was completely satisfied with their professionalism, helping me with impossible deadlines imposed by OPM, obtaining qualified medical help for documentation, and their overall support to keep my spirits up. I highly recommend the Harris Federal Law Firm, to any injured Federal employee applying for disability retirement.

K. W. – Deridder, Louisiana