2017 Year in Review

by | Dec 29, 2017

Last Updated June 11, 2024

2017 was an extraordinary year for Harris Federal Law Firm. While we look forward to what 2018 will bring, let’s look at our year in review. Here are some of the highlights:


We launched our first webinar in 2015 and since then, they’ve only continued to grow. We launched brand new topics in 2017 and we’re so pleased with the turnout. Stay tuned for what 2018 has to offer and check out our “Federal Employee Webinar Schedule” page for our upcoming schedule.

Approvals: Year in Review

2017 brought historically large backlogs at the Office of Personnel Management and slower decision times for federal disability retirement and voluntary retirement applications alike. However, even with the slower processing times, the Harris Federal team secured 150 approvals! This means that these federal workers now have a benefit that provides a fresh start outside the federal government. We look forward to increasing this number in 2018.

Over 30 Federal Agencies

This year we represented, or are representing, federal workers from over 30 federal agencies. USPS, Veteran’s Affairs, DHS, ICE, FAMS, and IRS are just to name a few. We are so honored to assist federal workers in so many different agencies and hope by our next Year in Review we have experience with even more agencies.


In October, our attorneys attended the national Workers’ Injury Law and Advocacy Group (WILG) convention in Florida. Senior Attorney Brad Harris was presented with the President’s Award at this year’s Annual Convention for his leadership and accomplishment in service to WILG. We are so proud of all the hard work done by our attorneys.

Team and Office Accomplishments

This year brought many milestones, not only as an office but also for members of our team.

Some of our team completed marathons, half marathons, and team relay races.

Our office expanded as we welcomed new members to the team and new offices were built.

3 people in the office welcomed new additions to their families and became parents.

Our entire office trained for and completed a 5k. And 5 of us took home age group awards!year in review

Our attorney Leah Bachmeyer Kille became licensed in Washington DC. She can now practice law in Kentucky and Washington DC. She also co-authored the featured article in the Metropolitan Washington Employment Lawyers Association (MWELA) Sept/Oct 2016 Newsletter, Vol 26, Issue 5 titled “Use a Federal Workers’ Compensation Stress Claim in your case”.year in review

One of our Case Evaluation Specialists, Cal, celebrated his 5th year at the firm.

Our office cooked and provided dinner for those staying at the Ronald McDonald House here in Lexington, KY.ronald

Notes of Thanks

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We are so humbled when clients, or past clients, take the time to write and send us their well wishes. It means the world to us and keeps us going.

“Hiring Harris Federal was the best decision I made as I worked through the federal disability process.  I was trying to handle the process myself and I was getting nowhere and was getting more stressed, which is the last thing I needed in my condition.  I felt like I was spending half of each therapy session trying to get the doctor to fill out my paperwork or at least understand the process.  Once I hired Harris Federal everything changed.  Suddenly my medical providers were much more helpful and responsive.  I learned that medical providers are much more likely to respond to a request from a law office than directly from the patient.  Once Harris Federal took over the filing process my stress level subsided and I was able to focus on therapy instead of begging to get paperwork filled out. Harris Federal is helpful, professional, timely, and understanding.  The very reasonable fee I paid is some of the best money I have ever spent.  I would work with them again if I needed their assistance, they have earned my trust!”

T. – Woodbridge, VA

“If you are a federal employee and considering applying for disability retirement, I strongly recommend Harris Federal Law Firm.  I was recently approved for disability retirement and I thank Harris Federal for their assistance.  They have a very knowledgeable, experienced and professional team.  This made all the difference in getting my application approved.  Thanks!”   

V. – Laredo, TX

“Candace, I want to thank you again for helping us in this LONG and FRUSTRATING process. I only had to deal with it for myself, you deal with it every day for so many people. I really do appreciate how you made sure everything was done how it should be done. I know I could not have gone through this without your assistance and reassurance when I needed it. Thank you so much!”

H. – Livingston, TX

Thank you to all who have made this year a success we are proud of our year in review. We are so grateful and we are ready to see what 2018 will bring, stay tuned for next years Year in Review! Have a Happy New Year!

If you think you may qualify for federal disability retirement and would like to find out more,  fill out our INQUIRY FORM for a free consultation or call us at 877-226-2723.

Message us & find out if you qualify today!

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