Special Olympics Of Kentucky

by | May 2, 2012

Last Updated September 18, 2023
Special Olympics

We are so happy to help such a wonderful cause. Harris Federal Law Firm, is sponsoring an athlete at the Special Olympics of Kentucky this year and we couldn’t be more excited!

What is Special Olympics?

It is an international program of year-round sports training and athletic competition for more than one million children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

The Special Olympics Oath is… “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

It is founded on the belief that people with intellectual disabilities can, with proper instruction and encouragement, learn, enjoy and benefit from participation in individual and team sports, adapted as necessary to meet the needs of those with special mental and physical limitations.

Special Olympics believes that through sports training and competition, people with intellectual disabilities benefit physically, mentally, socially and spiritually; families are strengthened; and the community at large, both through participation and observation, is united with people with intellectual disabilities in an environment of equality, respect and acceptance.

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