If you’re dealing with a medical condition, navigating disability benefits can feel overwhelming, especially when there’s more than one option available. As a federal employee, you have access to different programs like Workers’ Compensation, Social Security...
Veterans’ Affairs Disability Benefits
5 Common Myths about Federal Disability Retirement, Debunked
Navigating the complex landscape of Federal Disability Retirement can be a daunting task, and many federal employees have misconceptions that deter them from pursuing the federal benefits they deserve. We're cutting through the confusion of the top 5 myths to give you...
Can I Live Off Federal Disability Retirement?
If you’re applying for Federal Disability Retirement, you may be wondering if you can live off the monthly annuity payments. Living with a disability can be costly and having to take an early retirement can be scary, especially when looking at the future of your...
Maximizing Your Retirement with VA Disability Benefits
Many veterans are injured during their service and find it difficult or impossible to work with the injuries they sustained while on duty. Veterans risked their lives for our country and VA Disability is an option for them to get the compensation they deserve for...
New Legislation Could Shield Veterans from Overpayment Errors
Legislation recently introduced would protect veterans from overpayment debt from errors made by the Veterans Affairs Department regarding monthly benefits. Congressman John Delaney (D-Md.) introduced the bill, known as the Veteran Debt Fairness Act (H.R. 7144). Jon...
Amended Regulations for VA Pensions
The Veterans Affairs Department announced it has amended its regulations governing entitlements to VA pension and Parents’ Dependency and Indemnity Compensation. These changes are to ensure that only veterans with a legitimate need for benefits would receive them. The...
VA Signed a $10 Billion Contract to Have the Same Health Records as Pentagon
The Veterans Affairs Department signed a 10 year/$10 billion contract with Cerner Corporation for the same commercial electronic health records system as the Pentagon. Acting VA Secretary Robert Wilkie said this contract is “one of the largest IT contracts in the...
Bill to Overhaul VA-Funded Private Sector Care Passed
A major overhaul of veteran’s health care was passed by the House. This measure will expand their access to private sector care on the government’s dime and bring the Veterans’ Affair Department through a process that will close some of its federally run facilities....
Central Office Positions at VA Cut by 10 Percent
The Veterans Affairs Department says it has cut positions at its central office in Washington DC by 10% while also consolidating mental health, primary care and geriatrics policy, and operations functions. This comes as part of the departments’ efforts to eliminate...
Overall Federal Hiring Increases, New Veterans Hired Decreases
Even with agencies hiring fewer new veterans to fill government jobs, veterans still had a stronger presence in the federal workforce in FY2016. Veterans made up 31.1 percent of the federal workforce in FY2016; the previous year they made up 30.9 percent of the...
VA Disability “Improvement” Law Decreases Assistance
Despite the title, when President Trump signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act at the end of August, some important assistance evaporated. In the past, when filing a claim for VA disability compensation, the VA was obligated to help the veteran...
Veterans Choice Act Signed by President Trump
President Trump has signed the Veterans Choice Improvement Act. It will greatly expand an existing program at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Key Changes This new bill will make the following changes to veterans’ care: Allows patients to seek care from private...
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