OPM Deferred Resignation Help

Don’t resign without knowing your options.

Worried about the president’s offer to resign? You have options. If an injury or illness is impacting your ability to work, Federal Disability Retirement provides long-term income, health insurance, and security. Deferred Resignation doesn’t.

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The Federal Disability Retirement

Benefit Highlights

Monthly Disability Annuity

Receive 60% of your High 3 Average Salary the first year and 40% every year until you reach age 62.

Keep your Health & Life Insurance

While on this benefit you can maintain your valuable health and life insurance policies.

Creditable Years of Service

Each year on Federal Disability Retirement counts as an additional year of creditable service on top of your current service.

Find a New Job

Go on to find a new job in the private sector and earn up to 80% of your old position’s current salary.