Where You Can Find Harris Federal This Spring

by | Mar 15, 2015

Last Updated July 13, 2023
Harris Federal will be speaking on a variety of other topics at events across the country this Spring.

The team at Harris Federal has a busy schedule in store for this spring. We will be speaking at seminars on federal disability retirement benefits and federal workers’ compensation benefits, and honing our skills and knowledge on a variety of other topics at events across the country. We also will be engaging in volunteer opportunities.

Here’s where you can find us in the coming weeks:

Mutual Family Health Clinic Seminar

March 28, 2015 • Tampa, Florida

Brad Harris will discuss how to coordinate federal disability retirement benefits with federal workers’ compensation benefits at this free educational seminar for federal employees.

RSVP here!

Federal Workplace Training & Expo

April 8-10, 2015 • Washington, D.C.

Leah Bachmeyer-Kille will share her insights at the popular Federal Workplace Training & Expo at the Capital Hilton. The event covers federal workers’ compensation and four other core human resources areas – Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) law, employee relations, human capital management and labor relations.

Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Bluegrass

April 13, 2015 • Lexington, Kentucky

Based on our personal experiences with Ronald McDonald House Charities and out of our recognition of the tremendous service that RMH facilities provide, our family at Harris Federal proudly volunteers on a regular basis at the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Bluegrass near our Lexington office. We will once again be providing and cooking dinner for the home’s guests.

National Treasury Employees Union Chapter 207 Meeting

April 22, 2105 • Washington, D.C.

Brad Harris and Bo Harris will give a special presentation at this NTEU chapter meeting entitled, “Understanding Workers’ Compensation Benefits and OPM Medical Disability Retirement.”  Our firm provides special programs to the NTEU and other federal employee unions.

Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group Board Meeting

April 23-24, 2015 • Washington, D.C.

As a member of the WILG’s Board of Directors, Brad Harris will be attending this meeting. The WILG is an organization that is dedicated to representing the interests of the millions of public- and private-sector workers and their families in our country who have been impacted by work-related injuries and illnesses.

Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group Southeast Regional Event

May 3-4 • Nashville, Tennessee

Brad Harris will be among those participating in this annual WILG education and networking event, which will be held at the Union Station Hotel.

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